Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to feel welcome in a strange land.

Ted and I visited the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok this week.  It was a great learning experience.  I have never felt so unwelcomed by my country.  A country that we have paid taxes in for the past 30 or more years.  A country that is supposed to be known as friendly ... well, just come to Bangkok and see how you are treated.  Ted and I went to get some information for his work, volunteer opportunities, registration with the embassy in case of an emergency ... after being searched, scanned and interviewed we were allowed to enter the sanctuary of the embassy.  Not one person could help us .... "please visit our website" was what we heard over and over again.  If there is a website that can answer our questions, why are we paying salaries of the approximately 20 - 30 people that work there?  I guess if you need a stolen passport replaced then this is the place ... it could be done at a corner shop for a fraction the cost.  The best part was the issue of voting ... voting was cut off 9 days prior to the election because the staff couldn't promise our votes would arrive on time.  Have you ever heard of technology ... you can vote on what your favourite donut from Tim Hortons is but you can't vote in your own election (personally I would rather vote for the donut ... I miss donuts).

I can only imagine now what it's like for people entering our country from other world areas.  It must be scary for them to arrive in a country that insists you visit their webside for service.   I GIVE UP.

P.S.  We haven't seen Jack Layton in any of the massage parlours around the city.  I am sure he would enjoy them ... especially Nice Girls, near our place!

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